Use Social Media

Use Social Media

Use Social Media

God gave human knowledge to create new things and social media is one of those creations. Take advantage of this new technology and spread the word to everyone that you may know. You will be able to reach so many people and help them with their needs.

Social Media

Social media helps the development of online social networks all over the world by connecting a user’s profile with other individuals or groups, for this reason, it is considered a powerful tool to reach many people in less time. You can make a difference by sharing the good news with the entire world.

Use Social Media Positively

Always respect others opinions, we are called to preach the Gospel and not to save it, so don’t fell sad or upset when someone do not understand your point of view. Remember that the only one who has the almighty power to do this job is Jesus.

What Jesus Said About to Preach

What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. (Matthew 10:27,28)

3 Reasons to Preach the Good News

  1. To reveal the real Jesus – The world sees Jesus as any other philosopher or good person that the ancient civilizations interacted with. But the Bible says that he is God and died to pay for our sins and we need to accept him as our only savior.
  2. To live in obedience. If we love Jesus we obey his words about the great commission “Go to the world and preach the Gospel” people all over the world do not understand this labor that is the most precious thing that someone can do it.
  3. To thank God. This is is a good gesture of gratitude. To give Jesus the credit for our transformations and miracles performed in our lives and knowledge to manage our problems when the miracles do not happen. As good Christians, we understand that Jesus is capable to do anything but there are moments that the miracle does not take place. Only God knows why. When this happens we must act with wisdom and move forward managing our lives according to God’s word.

Everything You Should Know

Regarding the good news is written in the Bible and the Animation Bible is here to help those who really want to share the Gospel of Jesus with the world.

Animation Bible

The perfect tool to evangelize.