Take a Walk

Walking with God
Moses wrote about a man called Enoch who never experienced death. According to the book of Genesis, he was taken alive to heaven. After he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked faithfully with God for 300 years and had other sons and daughters. (Gen. 5:22).
Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more because God took him away. (Gen. 5:24).
It is true, that the scripture means spiritual walking not physical, but it is important to highlight some important factors about the physical walking associated with the spiritual.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});Do you know any exercises that are easier to practice than walking? It requires no skill, is inexpensive, can be done virtually any time of day, and has no age restriction. “For a person who doesn’t practice any type of sport, a 10-minute walk a day already causes noticeable effects on the body, after just a week,” explains many doctors expert in this field. The advantages of walking for the health of the body and mind are many and proven by science. Check out some of the benefits that this practice can bring to your life and get moving:
- Improves circulation
2. Makes the lung more efficient
3. Fight against osteoporosis
4. Takes away depression
5. Increases the feeling of well-being
6. Makes the brain healthier
7. Decreases drowsiness
8. Keep your weight in balance and lose weight
9. Controls the urge to eat
10. Protects against strokes and heart attacks
11. Diabetes
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Look what the Bible says about Israel in the desert. (Exodus 32)
Why did God keep Israel walking in the desert for 40 years? The first explanation is because they rebelled against God and the second makes them stronger for future battles.
When you take a walk try to commit yourself to God and pray. It will make you feel much better than a simple walk. Sadness, depression, fear, and all other afflictions disappear when you come back home.
What does the bible say about Enoch?
Enoch was 65 years old when he started walking with God. How was Enoch’s life before his 65 years of age? Is it true that wisdom comes after years of experience and tribulation in this life? Not sure about that because the world is full of old people making huge mistakes in their lives in all areas. But what happened with Enoch? Is it possible that he was concerned about his family and worked a lot and his time off was limited? Yes, this can be the best answer, not for sure but it is possible. When Enoch reached 65 years old possibly, he did not need to work anymore because his children were able to take care of him. Because he had more time to meditate and think about the spiritual things, then God opened his eyes and he could see the Lord.
When a man seeks God, he is able to find him. The Lord Almighty is always faithful he never hides his face from anyone who seeks Him with a pure heart. The Bible says that Enoch walked with God. God is the best company that someone can have. Enoch walked with the Lord for 300 years. In the past, the human race was capable to live long years. No more in the present days. Life is too short then why postpone this moment so important? God wants to walk with anyone who invites him for a walk. He is a good God and loves the human race. Jesus in his human side always knew the necessity to have some time alone with God. Jesus loved to go to the mountains and desert to spend his time fasting and praying. You can do the same. Call him for a walk and you will have the best experience a human being can have in life. When you walk with him, open your heart, and tell him everything that you would like to share with a trustworthy person. Do not be surprised when he starts talking back to you. You will feel more passion for other lives, and your desire will be his desire. He will appear in dreams; he will show you ways for you to solve your problems and difficulties. He will never leave you alone. When your day has come, you will not see the angel of death but an opened door, and the Savior will be waiting for you to enter his kingdom.
From the bottom of your heart say with faith “God, let’s take a walk”. Accept Jesus as your personal Savior. You will never be the same once you experience his presence in your life
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