Faith Over Fear
Everything that is not from faith is sin
Keep your belief about such matters between yourself and God. Blessed is the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves. But the one who has doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and everything that is not from faith is sin.
Point the Finger
Nobody appreciates when someone points the finger at them. According to the Holy Bible, there is no reason for a man to get upset when someone is pointing a finger at him. When the person makes a mistake and can immediately fix the problem, it proves that he recognized it, regretted and deserve credit for it. It is a great sign of repentance. Unfortunately, the stretch marks will remain for many years, even for those little mistakes. Why people point finger at one another while the scripture it is so clear about this action? There are two answers to this question. First, the person being accused is a victim of this action that was caused by someone close or maybe a stranger. Someone that sometimes he trusted, and he shared his feelings and action. The stranger for jealousy, hate, or in a few cases just because there is nothing to talk to others and he chooses this wrong road. Second, the accuser possibly has a bigger sin and tries to satisfy himself with this false impression that he is better than the one who was caught in a mistake. When the victim is caught in such a mistake and he is a believer in Christ, he must believe that he has a lawyer before God that intercedes for all his people day and night. Jesus Christ died for all our sins and we must believe in this promise that God called us to live a better life with him. Have you already felt bad because someone criticized you just for the fact you have a friend who is not a Christian? Or maybe, because you watch TV and like secular music? There are so many things in life that we can do but it is not all of them that is convenient for us. If you like to go to the theater and love to listen to secular music and your brother thinks that is not correct the best thing you can do is not invite him to go with you and never buy him any worldly singer CD.
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You must live your lifestyle, everything that you like, and you know that God has no problem with it then consider it as a good thing. Do not fear what people can say, just keep the good testimony as a believer. For example, if for any reason you went to the theater and in your return, you find your brother, there is no reason for you to bring some comments about the movie you just watched because you already know how he will react to it, and his opinion about some entertainment.
Private Life
Live a simple and private life. However, even when you try to live your private life people get the news about what you are doing. Let’s say that someone knows by any means what you are doing and comes after you to condemn you. The best thing you can do is what Paul said to the Romans. If you doubt that your relationship with God is not good, something must be changed immediately. Doubt is equivalent to an exclusion of God’s grace. When it happens, God does not appreciate it because He is the one who has supremacy and all the power to forgive any kind of sin. No one can minimize God’s capacity about how he loves us and care about us. In the end, is not your brother who will save you but Jesus who died on the cross for you. If you are in Christ, you are a new creation, and your sinner past is left behind.
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Friend, if you live a life of auto condemnation and fear, I invite you to open your heart to Jesus and start living with Christ who will take all of your sins away. Just believe him and fear not!
Faith Over Fear
Recommended Resources: Believe by Randy Frasee