Preach The Gospel

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Preach The Gospel

Preach the gospel at all times

Mark 16:15-16

Preach the gospel to every creature

Jesus was in the glorified body when he gave these instructions to his disciples. He suffered everything that was written in the scriptures. He died on the cross but on the third day, God rose him from the dead. Jesus most of the time before his crucifixion alerted what was going to happen after his death. Even after so many miracles, that Jesus performed among them was not sufficient to hold in their minds that Jesus is God. It seems that was the end of their hope.

Jesus The Messiah

They learned that the Messiah was going to reestablish Israel’s kingdom. Unfortunately, they were wrong about the time. They did not understand that Jesus’ first coming was to save the world from their sins and later in his second coming to reign from Jerusalem and fulfill the scriptures. The sadness that the disciples were experiencing was the absolute proof that in their minds Jesus was just a man who God gave him some authority to perform miracles. If the disciples had paid attention to all words that came out from Jesus’ mouth, they were going just to wait for Jesus to come back again in a few days.

Jesus Promises

 If they remembered his words probably, they thought that Jesus’ promise was going to be for the next life. They cried a lot, they were in panic and hopeless. At that moment, none of the disciples wanted to take the responsibility to be the leader of the group. They forgot also about what Jesus told Peter one day after their breakfast “Simon (Peter), son of John, do you love me more than these?” Peter said, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” Jesus then says, “Feed my lambs”. It seems that the conversation could be finished after Jesus request him to feed his lambs but he insisted “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Jesus asked three times and always he points at the importance to take care of his sheep. Jesus knew the weakness of Peter but he had also a lot of faith in God. Jesus once told him “I tell you, Peter, the rooster will not crow before you deny me three times that you know me.” On the crucifixion, this is exactly what happened Peter Denied Jesus for the third time. When the rooster crowed, he cried a lot. Maybe for him, this lack of faith was the end of his career as Jesus’ follower.

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Fear and Depression

The Christian organization was falling apart because the man who Jesus told him to take care of his sheep was now with fear and depression. What kind of leader is this? Peter probably was thinking that statement was the last because Jesus was dead. Would be possible that Peter was comparing himself with Judas? Maybe he thought that Jesus already had declassified him when he asked three times if he loves him.  In his mind was valid the last statement that in other words, Peter could understand something like “Peter, you are saying that you love me but I shall have to prove to you before I die that you are a liar.” How a liar was going to take care of Jesus’ sheep? Praise God, this Jesus is indeed the Savior of the world. He knows his people and he is always forgiving those who make mistakes. Jesus always has a comforting word to give to his people. He cares about his people all the time. Peter at the end died proclaiming Jesus as the Lord of all lords and King of all kings.

Bodily Resurrection

Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James went to Jesus’ grave but Jesus’ body was not there anymore and Jesus gave the order for the angel to tell them the following words, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you. What beautiful words.  Can you imagine if the angel had transmitted only part of the message? Something like “Go to his disciples…” and did not mention the name of Peter? Peter was his disciple but there is a possibility that he was condemning himself for the fact that he was a liar. He was not going to meet Jesus if he had no peace in his heart. Jesus saw his pain emotionally and spiritually, for this reason, he emphasizes Peter’s name.

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Jesus Last Words

Jesus came back and stayed with his disciples and gave his last instructions while in this world “Go into the entire world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” Jesus reorganized everything and gave them these commands to preach to the entire world. If Jesus forgives his people then his people must proclaim how wonderful and amazing Savior that HE is.

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Feel Guilty

What about you? Have you already done something that you think you do not deserve anything from God? Maybe feeling like Peter? Well, this is the good news for you; Jesus loves you, no matter what you have done during your youth and still do. If you repent of your sins, he is loyal to forgive you of all your sins and give you a new life. Once you receive his favor, you must proclaim his glory and mercy to those who are lost in this world. By doing that you not only receive the salvation of your soul but a reward when getting into heaven. Receiving Jesus as your only personal Savior is the best decision you can make in your entire life.

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