Wheat Chaff Tares parable

Wheat, chaff, tares parable

wheat chaff tares parable
The wheat

His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.” Matthew 03:12

Have you noticed how the church of God is suffering lately? And legitimated Christians are giving up preaching the word? Many people are rejecting the Gospel because of some wolves among us.

Someone may say that the church always went through so many hardships. It is true but in this era of fast internet, computers, smart TVs, and smartphones are very different. The proportion of false prophets and false teachers is growing very fast, let’s see what the Bible already predicted in the past and do not give up preaching the real Gospel.


01- The Wheat Meaning
02- The Chaff Meaning
03- The Tares Meaning
04- The Anointed Meaning
05- John Baptist
06- Good seeds
07- The Word of God
08- Another Gospel

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The wheat means: The good seed approved by God (the Word of God)

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Chaff meaning: The bad seed used by the enemy (lies and deceptions)

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Tares meaning: Very similar to wheat (lies and deceptions)

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Anointed meaning

Sanctified, chosen to be a messenger for spiritual causes

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John Baptist

Before the baptism of Jesus, on the same day, John was baptized in the Jordan River when some Pharisees and Sadducees showed up. John was a spiritual man anointed by God to start the work that the Lord assigned to him. It is not sure if the Pharisees and Sadducees came to John to be part of his followers or if they were curious about the man who was living in the desert and so many people were following him.   Their visit was not welcome, John when saw them rebuked them calling them “Offspring of Vipers”. It seems that they were afraid of something because John asked them “who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?”  In chapter 3:12 he says on that day god will separate the chaff from the wheat. The wheat will be preserved but the chaff will be burned. A similar statement is found in Matthew 13:24-30 when Jesus tells a story about a man who went out to his field and sowed a good weed. However, during the night when he was sleeping the enemy came and sowed weeds among the good seeds.

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Good seeds

Jesus mentioned that the workers were wondering what happened because he sowed good seeds and from where those weeds came. The workers were unsatisfied with those weeds and they wanted to remove them from the wheat. The owner of that land advised them not to remove the weeds because if so the wheat will suffer the same impact. This does not mean that the owner will be ok with the situation, but he wanted to do everything right to preserve the wheat.

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The Word of God

The good seed is the word of God, the weeds are all false religion, and the field is the world. Jesus is the man who sowed that seed, and the devil is the one responsible for all false religions in the world.  The only way to slow down the Gospel is to make confusion in peoples’ minds. The devil and his demons work day and night in new ways to defeat Jesus but the Lord already won the battle when he shed his blood and died on the cross and rose from the dead on the third day

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Another Gospel

Anyone who preaches another Gospel Paul advised the church not to believe him. Paul was so confident about the Gospel of Jesus that he said, “Even me or angel of light come from heaven do not believe. “How many religions the world has so far? Many ways and paths are offered out there in the world, but none conducts the man to God. God designed the perfect plan for the human race, and it is necessary to believe in Jesus’ teaching and follow him. God does not permit the angels to destroy the evildoers because he is concerned about his people that live and occupy the same space. The word alerts everyone that it will not be forever. God will send his angels to separate his people from those who never obeyed him.  His people will be spared from the eternal flame. God requires all his people to share his grace to save some of them. There is no other salvation in any religion other than Jesus.

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