War Room

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War Room Animation Bible


Christian Movie

Recently the director Alex Kendrick launched his movie of encouragement and spiritual education which was a box office worldwide. The film’s theme speaks for itself  “War Room.” At first, anyone is curious to watch the film due to the strong and intriguing name.  The movie offered something so fascinated that no one knew, until watch it and take all conclusions about it. Like any other good movie “War Room” had strong promotion by early viewers. The first viewers were Christians that spread the word and recommended it to all friends and family, regardless of the faith of each one. “War Room” is a movie based on faith and hope, there is no way to be rejected by the public because this is what everyone is searching everywhere.

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The Story

The story of the film begins with a woman who has suffered in her youth and she had many problems in her marriage. Since she lost her husband she began to have a feeling of guilt for not having tried hard enough to overcome the challenges and struggles of her life. It was then that she began to study the Bible and pray incessantly. In her prayers, she always asked God to send her someone in need then she could be used by God to assist such a person. She chose a place in her home and named it “War Room”. It was in the “War Room” that she spent much of her time praying and interceding for people. God always gave her wisdom to guide these people on the right path of life. She always taught that there is no victory without struggle. If anyone has the desire to be happy must pay the price. Yes, the person must sacrifice part of his time in prayer and reading the word of God (Bible). The moral of the story is that all things have a purpose and a time, and when someone keeps patience and trust in God everything works for good in God’s time.

In the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 3, the wise Solomon is warning his readers saying that everything has its time to start and end something. Whatever good or bad fortune may come to someone’s life. It is always important to keep in mind that nothing in this world is forever.

The Bible

The Bible consists of many books that were written by various prophets and wise men who spent their time to reveal God’s purpose for the entire mankind. Enjoying the peace and good quality of life is the result of those who obey God. No matter how sinful life a man lived in his days, no matter how good man can be in this world in his lifetime. What really matters is how the same man will end his life.

Fights, disappointments, lies, prostitution, murders, falsehoods, and many other types of sin only lead man to death. Jesus came to bring life and life in abundance. Jesus’ sacrifice was enough to clean all mankind from their transgressions against the almighty God. Jesus is the savior and the redeemer of all God’s creation.

For a man to be forgiven of all his sins there is a very important requirement. The man has to accept Jesus as the Savior of his soul because without this commitment God will not forgive him. Jesus Christ lived a perfect, sinless life, and then died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins (Rom. 5:8). Three days later, He rose from the dead—showing that He had triumphed over sin and death once and for all.

It all starts with accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. It is never too late to start a new life here in this world. The joy of living in a perfect world is a true fact that will happen no matter what.


All the days of man are numbered. When calendar days go by the man counts up thinking that everything is going to be alright because his birthday party is coming. On the other hand, God counts down giving to men the chance to be saved before he dies. When a man looks at his watch and says “one minute more” then God looks at his clock and He says “one minute less”. The entire world is struggling with THE PROBLEM CALLED “TIME”, for this reason, men created fast machines and usually get together in groups to build more things and make plans for their future. All this because they are limited. While God is unlimited and  He does not need any teacher to guide or correct him man is always searching for new alternatives to live in this busy world. The Lord is not attached to our time because he is unlimited, there are no circumstances where God is incapable to work. He wants to save all men. What have you prepared for your end? How are you handling your time?

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God’s Time

If you did not have time to think remember that in God’s watch your life will be always one less, one less, one less until your time has come.

New Life

The proposal of salvation was offered to you then you just need to enjoy a new life with Jesus. Time passes so fast. Our days in this world are compared to nothing. Eternity is real, believe it or not, this is the fact for salvation or condemnation. To know Jesus and live with him is the most fascinated thing in this world. His people are free and feel safe in his hand. If you did not have the opportunity to meet this wonderful Savior give him a chance. He will not force you to love him but you naturally will feel good in his presence. God bless you!

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Acts 16 30:31

…And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said Belief on the Lord Jesus, and thou shalt be saved, thou and thy house…


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