The Second Coming of Jesus is after the 7 years of tribulation
The rapture and the second coming
Some people think that the rapture and the second coming of Jesus are the same things but it is not. The first event will be the rapture followed by the 7 years of tribulation then after this time, Jesus comes back to establish his kingdom here on earth for 1,000 years.
On his second coming, differently from the rapture, Jesus will be seen by everyone on earth. Some people will see him live and others on TV. Revelation chapter 1 and verse 7 say ” BEHOLD, HE IS COMING WITH THE CLOUDS, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. So it is to be. Amen.
But in Luke chapter 17 verse 20 there is a point important to analyze. Jesus says that his kingdom comes in ways that cannot be observed. He gave the Pharisees a clue that one of the ways was already in action. Jesus mentions the plural ways because his kingdom in the scriptures consists of 3 actions. In the first act, he came to die and rescue humans from their sins. Like he said in verse 25, that he must suffer first many things and be rejected by this generation.” That’s why in verse 21 he says that this way is in the midst of them. The second Action will be the rapture of his church. To this day, possibly those who will be left behind will speculate saying that aliens came to this world and kidnapped millions of people or maybe a kind of lethal weapon was created with the capacity to destroy millions in just a blink of an eye. The third action will happen when he comes to destroy his enemies and establish his kingdom, governing the world physically from Jerusalem. When Christians mention the second coming of Jesus this statement refers to his presence in this world in a physical body. On his coming Jesus will imprison Satan for 1,000 years, establish his physical kingdom on earth and reveal his glory to the new world. His kingdom will consist of righteousness, truth, and peace. Jews and Christians are longing for the same day, however, Christians believe in the kingdom of Jesus in 3 ways while the Jews believe just in a third way. The Jews will have their eyes opened when the Anti-Christ will try to make them adore him and at this moment they will believe that man who was crucified was indeed the Messiah that they killed.
How will things happen?
Chapter 17 of Luke is very clear about how things will happen prior to Jesus’ second coming.
Verse 20 – The Pharisees were mocking Jesus about when God’s Kingdom was coming.
Verse 20 and 21 – Jesus said the Kingdom is already here but they can’t see it (Spiritual Kingdom – The Holy Spirit is among those who accepted Jesus as their personal Savior).
Verse 22 – Jesus said to his disciples that they will not see the day when it comes because the church will be taken first. This event is called RAPTURE.
Verse 24 – Jesus explains how fast will be the RAPTURE.
Verse 25 – Jesus explains that he has to be rejected and die first before these events come true.
Verse 26-27-28 – He explains and gives a guarantee to his people that before he comes for the second time he will take his people first from this world. In the SECOND COMING OF JESUS, it will be horrible for those who rejected him. To illustrate the RAPTURE before his SECOND COMING Jesus gives two examples. The first example was Noah’s days where God waited for Noah and his family to be in the ARK first, before the destruction of the world. The second example is Lot`s day; when the angels of the Lord demanded his family to get out as soon as possible otherwise they would not be able to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. The SECOND COMING OF JESUS will be the moment when he will establish the physical kingdom in this world.
When Jesus came for the first time he graciously reviewed himself to his disciples in 2 phases. The first phase was internal. Jesus spoke and taught everything that our Father God asked him to tell us. He reinforced the prophecies in the scriptures about his coming and brought light to this world. He suffered for our sins and was killed on the cross, however on the third day God rose him from the grave. The second phase was external after his resurrection. Jesus brought to their eyes the reality that he spoke during his 3 years which he was teaching among them. In the book of Acts, chapter 1 verse 6 the disciples were wondering if that time was the time which he would restore the kingdom of Israel but Jesus said that was not the moment, first, the Holy Spirit has to come, and second, the Gospel has to be preached all over the world. “And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight”. And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.”
On his return to this world, on his second coming, the world will see him the same way the disciples saw him ascending. While with them, before ascending to heaven, the disciples were curious about the events and Jesus told them “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority.” This means that we have to continue to proclaim his teaching until God determined the day that Jesus has to come back.
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God will fulfill his promise to his people, he demands Jesus coming.
In the book of Second Samuel chapter 7, David shows his desire and plan to build a house for God. But God said that he has not lived in a house since the day he brought up the people of Israel from Egypt to this day, instead, he has been moving from place to place with a tent for his dwelling. When God mentions the Kingdom established forever he is talking about the second coming of Jesus. Jesus is the king that God mentions to David, Solomon had his kingdom temporarily then it did not apply to him. Jesus on the other hand came to this world. His internal kingdom is already among his people and one day the kingdom will become external. Psalm 2 David mentioned about this special kingdom that God will give total power to Jesus and he will rule over all.
Jesus Teaching
Demands his coming
The book of Luke 21:5-6
Some of his disciples began talking about the majestic stonework of the Temple and the memorial decorations on the walls. But Jesus said, “The time is coming when all these things will be completely demolished. Not one stone will be left on top of another!”
This prophecy is already fulfilled. It happened in the year 70AD. The original temple was constructed in the days of Solomon and David his father committed him to build a house for God. King David had a huge desire to build the temple because he was tired to see the Ark of Covenant moving from place to place. Unfortunately, God did not allow David to do it because he was a man of war but God told him that his son Solomon.
The Ark of the Covenant or Testimony was a wooden chest clad with gold containing the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments, Aaron’s rod, and a pot of manna (heavenly food). This temple was destroyed in the year 587 B.C by Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon (Babylon is located south of Iraq).
After some years, God touched the heart of Cyrus king of Persia to help the Jews to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. When the Jews returned from Babylon, where they were slaves, in the year 536 B.C, they started the project of rebuilding the holy temple. This second temple is the one that the disciples were fascinated with and was destroyed in the year 70 as Jesus foretold the future. Jesus also said that a great punishment was coming along with the destruction of the temple over all Jews. When the time came they did not resist the persecution and for this reason, the Jews abandoned the land and departed to other nations some as slaves and others as fugitives. Israel did not belong to Jews for two thousand years, they conquered the land again in 1948.
The End
Jesus basically summarized the end of everything in chapter 21 of Luke. After the RAPTURE many people who did not go with Jesus will have a second chance to follow him. Christians who did not obey the Lord during the time of GRACE, people in general who did not accept Jesus, and the Jews who did not believe in him will have a second chance to build their faith in Jesus on those days of tribulation. These new believers will suffer the persecution of the Anti-Christ for 7 years. The Jews will open their eyes to the second period of this evil government. The seven years of the Anti-Christ government will be split into 2 that will be 3 1/2 years of fake peace followed by another 3 and 1/2 years of great tribulation. In the great tribulation, the Jews will cry out and will repent of their rejection of Jesus. Then the Anti-Christ will intensify his persecution and will try to kill them all and this is the moment that Jesus will come for the second time physically and destroy the enemies of God and establishes his Kingdom that the Jews were longing for many years. Jesus will govern this world for 1 thousand years. Peace will be everywhere among humans and animals.
This is the promise of our Lord Jesus that he will rapture his church and will return again to this world with his followers to reign among the Jews who accepted him in the years of tribulation.
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